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Cryolipolysis fat freeze removal 

Say goodbye to stubborn fat !

Looking for a safe, non-invasive way to get rid of stubborn fat? Look no further than Cryolipolysis fat freeze removal! This innovative procedure uses the power of cold temperatures to freeze and destroy fat cells, without harming the surrounding tissue.

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What is cryolipolysis? 

Cryolipolysis or CoolSculpting is a nonsurgical cooling technique used to reduce fat in targeted areas. It's based on the science of cryolipolysis. Cryolipolysis uses cold temperatures to freeze and destroy fat cells. The procedure was created to address specific areas of stubborn fat not responsive to diet and exercise.


Surgical liposuction was once the only effective method available to permanently remove stubborn pockets of fat on the body. However, liposuction is a significant financial commitment for many people. As well, like any surgery, liposuction comes with inherent health and safety risks, including the risk of bleeding, risks associated with a general anesthetic, and potential scarring. Furthermore, liposuction surgery can result in lumpy, uneven distribution of the remaining fat in a treatment area. The compression garments, postoperative activity restrictions, and downtime required are also important considerations for anyone who chooses liposuction surgery.

If you’re looking for an alternative that works, you are not alone. Discover what countless others already have about the amazing science of fat freezing.


How is this treatment done ?

Cryolipolysis uses gentle suction to pull an area of fatty tissue between the cooling panels. These uniquely designed panels control the energy rate during treatment to cool your cells very carefully.

Fat cells which have been exposed to targeted cooling, trigger a process of natural cell destruction and removal through the body’s waste elimination systems. Because fat cells are more sensitive to a drop in temperature than skin is, fat cell freezing doesn’t damage the healthy, surrounding cells.

The exclusive fat – freezing technology, known medically as cryolipolysis, was developed by scientists at Harvard University. With precisely controlled fat cell cooling, the unwanted fat is targeted quickly and painlessly, without harming surrounding cells. Unlike laser technology which uses heat that poses risks to delicate tissue, cryolipolysis is a time – tested, non-invasive way to safely destroy just fat cells. This advancement in medical aesthetic science is changing the cosmetic industry in major ways.

Within two to four months, the process of fat cell destruction, elimination, and shrinkage of the fat layer at the target site can be visibly measured.


What does fat freezing feel like ?

It’s common to worry about possible discomfort during a body sculpting procedure, but cryolipolysis is completely painless, doesn’t require an aesthetic, and no lengthy recovery time will be required.

Patients describe the treatment sensation as gentle pressure and cold that is not unpleasant. After the appointment, side effects are rare. Depending on the individual, it is possible to see mild bruising, experience tingling, temporary numbness, or mild swelling in the treatment areas.

Our convenient and comfortable Cryolipolysis treatment is also fast-an average session requires only about 30 minutes – so a lunch – hour rejuvenation session can fit nicely into your workday, or before heading home. Because there is no downtime after this treatment, patients can resume their regular, daily activities right away. There is no limitation for exercise, and no one will be able to tell that you’ve had a fat reduction procedure.


How much does it cost ?

At a far lower price point than surgical alternatives, cryolipolysis is a more affordable option for many. However, each individual plan and quote will be unique. Factors that may affect your cost include:

  • Your target body areas

  • The size of fat deposits and the number of sessions required

  • Your aesthetic goals

We can create a customized plan to suit almost any client and budget. Contact us to learn more about what cryolipolysis can do for you.

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